Case Study Spotlight: Commercial Welding LLC

In a previous post we highlighted a company that participated in the Exceptional Manager Program. Today, we’re going to shine the spotlight on a welding company that worked with a Certified Adviser to incorporate several Elements over a period of 18 months.

The story of Commercial Welding is truly astonishing. Despite having no experience with the welding industry, the person who bought the company managed to increase its annual revenue 4X in less than two years — from $900K to $3.8 Million with a 30% Net Income.

These results were not due to blind luck or happenstance. In the words of the CEO, “Organizational ReWilding has served as a clear roadmap for me as I entered a totally new industry. It has allowed me and our organization to implement the most important structures needed to work on the business, first as Stage 1 and then as Stage 2. There’s so much about owning a new business that is unknown—this growth methodology has taken the guesswork out of some critical areas to put my business in the best position to grow.”

Click below to access the case study and find out which Elements led the company to experience such dramatic success.

This company’s journey began with the ReWild Business Assessment (RBA), a tool that uncovers the top areas of growth for a company. The RBA saved this CEO months of learning the hard way where to put her focus in order to make improvements with the biggest impact. Each of the Elements that are discussed in the case study are part of a book series, Organizational ReWilding: Elements of an Exceptional Business. Dive deeper into each one buy getting your own copy, available on Amazon.


Managers as Supervisors


Ownership Thinking