Business Growth Framework: Creating organizational alignment to pursue growth

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Business Growth Framework: Creating organizational alignment to pursue growth


A business growth framework is one of the best ways business owners can get past the frustration of learning by trial and error. Instead of experimenting and learning firsthand, they can follow the rules for growth that have already been established by previous businesses. The framework described in this book is called the Organizational ReWilding Stages of Growth. Based on extensive research, the book details the rules for growth that govern each Stage across eight different dimensions of a business, including Leadership Style, Gates of Focus, and Transition Zones. This comprehensive guide for business growth is practical and insightful — a must-have for every business owner!

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Think of a hiker at the foot of a mountain. He’d never fill his backpack full of rocks if his goal was to get to the top as quickly as possible. That’s what it’s like, though, when a business owner ignores the rules for growth and sets out unprepared. The extra weight makes the journey more difficult, to the point it may not be worth trying to go higher. Climbing in alignment with the rules for growth makes the journey easier.

The business growth framework described in this book is called the Organizational ReWilding Stages of Growth. The first chapter explains the mentality that it takes for business owners to move an organization through chaos and turbulence with resilience to keep growing. The next chapter explains the concept of Organizational ReWilding, followed by a chapter on the Stages of Growth. These overview chapters lay the groundwork for the rest of the book, in which the eight dimensions of a business are explained as they relate to each of the seven Stages, along with unique transitions between each Stage. (If you want a detailed exploration of the rules of growth for a specific Stage, consult the Stage Guidebooks.)

While every business is unique, they also share strikingly similar characteristics based on the number of employees. Our goal in sharing this information is to empower small and mid-size business owners with the knowledge and tools they need to build exceptional businesses. While it’s possible for businesses to grow and succeed without this knowledge, we have seen countless times how following the rules for growth reduces friction and creates momentum for the owner. A clear roadmap replaces an inefficient trial-and-error approach to finding the way forward.