A Guidebook for Every Element
of a Successful Business
Businesses are like ecosystems; they are made up of various elements that interact with one another and either contribute to or detract from the overall health of the ecosystem. Just as scientists study ecosystems to determine what makes them thrive, we have spent more than 30 years researching small and midsize businesses to better understand the factors that contribute to success. In the end, we identified eleven elements.
In this new series—Organizational ReWilding: Elements of an Exceptional Business—we explore each element individually. Each book presents our findings in the most succinct, accessible way possible. Our hope is that this information is put to use to benefit businesses, which is why we offer a free companion workbook to go along with every book.
Each book in the series takes on a different element, explaining the underlying principles and illustrating what the application of those principles looks like in a business. At the end of each chapter, you’ll find a list of application questions designed to help you think through the concepts and apply them to your own situation.
Available Now
Each book in the series is available on Amazon and The ReWild Group Online Store. Don’t forget—each one comes with a free workbook that you can download and use to apply the concepts to your business. Start making your business more exceptional today!
“Matthew Pohl’s book provides valuable insights for how to meaningfully define both Brand and Core Values for your company and pragmatic methods for making them an active part of your company culture and DNA. This is a vital element for scalable growth and owner autonomy. ”
Brand & Core Values: Keeping promises to the market and the team
Every organization needs strong Brand & Core Values, yet this critical element is often overlooked. In this book, we describe the symptoms that indicate the element is missing, explain the principles underlying the element, and illustrate what happens to a company that incorporates this element into its culture. Get a free, downloadable workbook with purchase!
“Business Development is critical for every business - and a mystery for many. This book illustrates how to implement the right systems to make the three functions of business development function optimally.”
Business Development Structure: Generating and growing consistent revenue through structure
Business development is the revenue-driving engine of an organization. In this book, we take a close look at the three separate components of business development—marketing, sales, and customer service—and explore what it looks like when a business incorporates structure in these critical areas. Apply the principles to your business with the help of a free, downloadable workbook.
“This is a book every business owner and CEO needs to read.”
Business Growth Framework: Creating organizational alignment to pursue growth
A business growth framework is one of the best ways business owners can get past the frustration of learning by trial and error. Instead of experimenting and learning firsthand, they can follow the rules for growth that have already been established by previous businesses. If those rules are ignored, the business can still grow, but with a lot more difficulty and effort. Learn the rules for growth for every Stage and access a clear roadmap for your business.
“Every CEO, President and Business Owner should use this material to view their business through a different lens. It will help get past inherent prejudices and uncover blindspots. Highly recommend this book.”
Business Model: Architecting a resilient, profitable business
Does your business have a strong Business Model? If not, you’re more vulnerable to changes in the marketplace. This book explains the fundamentals of how to architect a resilient, profitable business, with application questions to help you apply the principles to your own business. As with the other books in the Elements Series, you get a free, downloadable workbook with purchase.
“Strategic concepts and actionable steps. One more great resource ... to support small/medium size businesses that don’t have big business budgets but need the same business acumen infused into their company.”
Interdepartmental Planning: Focusing resources beyond department silos
Interdepartmental Planning encourages an organization to abandon a silo mentality and embrace Enterprise Thinking. It is the key to allocating resources to the right initiatives so the entire company benefits. Instead of fighting over limited resources, departments pursue an Operational Plan that lets them win as an enterprise.
“This book is well organized and easy to read but filled with great principles, concepts, methods and examples. It begins with an illustrative story that weaves in the KPI methodology and ends with excellent advice on how to implement a KPI program.”
Key Performance Indicators: Measuring and evaluating work outcomes
Does your business utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? If not, you’re missing out on valuable insight that can guide your business in the right direction. This book explains how to select strong KPIs for your business as a whole and for individual departments. Download the free companion workbook to help you apply these principles to your business.
“Master Processes is a quick, easy read that is packed with solid information on how a company should operate. It is written is a story format that clearly illustrates each principle and concept. The 5 Steps of Process Development are laid out and make a terrific Check List for success.”
Master Processes: Utilizing processes with organizational will and means to reduce variation
Master Processes are those processes that are critical to the core functions of a business—they are the engine of the organization. By focusing on Master Processes, an organization can greatly improve the quality it delivers across every area. The principles of Master Processes that are explained in this book pave the way toward processes that are not only effective but are actually used—and appreciated—by the people who are charged with implementing them.
“No fluff, easy to understand and implement advice for small business owners.”
Meeting Structure: Achieving meeting effectiveness through structure
Meeting Structure is a transformative framework that achieves meeting effectiveness through structure. It is the solution to unpopular and unproductive meetings. By introducing structure to meetings, attendees have accurate expectations and can prepare and participate according to a shared set of guidelines, resulting in less frustration and greater productivity.
“Matthew writes in an easily relatable style using examples that any business leader can envision in their own business.
I highly recommend this book and others in the series.”
One-to-One Process: Practicing consistent two-way communication between employee and supervisor
The One-to-One Process establishes a communication loop between supervisors and employees and is one of the most effective ways to influence the climate at an organization. Both parties benefit from the structured process and the company benefits from the greater trust and open communication fostered by One-to-One Meetings. Download both the workbook and the One-to-One Form, free of charge.
“This is a great resource which illustrates a powerful and potentially transforming concept, useful for companies of all sizes and industries.”
Organizational Structure: Organizing the work independent of the people
Organizational Structure is a transformative framework that accomplishes two things: it organizes the work being done as well as the formal relationships within an organization required to get the work done. Organizational Structure brings order to the work, independent of people, allowing for the creation of a resilient, long-lasting organization that can withstand changes in staff and growth.
“Our entire leadership team is now communicating more deeply about business topics we have never even discussed before. It’s helped my leadership team really step up by increasing everyone’s level of ownership thinking.”
Strong Management Team: Leading with a shared vision and common language
Managers play a key role in the success of every organization. Despite this fact, few managers are provided with the training and tools they need to be successful. The Strong Management Team book lays out the principles, skills, and tools that managers need—starting with the concept of Ownership Thinking, which empowers managers to start thinking like business owners.
Find out what other business owners and advisers are saying about The ReWild Group.
Visit our Testimonials page to hear first-hand accounts of what other business owners and advisers have experienced with Organizational ReWilding®. You’ll find short videos, quotes, and case studies that illustrate the power of the methodology. Check back often for updates! The stories are growing rapidly. (Who knows? Yours might be next …)