The ReWild Group Blog

Managers and Leaders Nicole King Managers and Leaders Nicole King

The Three Faces of a Leader - Stage 5

Stage 5 is characterized by a strong management team that is the organization’s driving force. It also marks the return of a significant focus on the Visionary Face. With a strong management team in place, the leader is now tasked with presenting a clear, compelling vision that engages these managers, so they can in turn guide the staff with a clear vision and common language. In Stage 5, the leader is responsible for painting the picture of the future but should be empowering the management team to get the organization to that destination.

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Business Owners, Managers and Leaders Nicole King Business Owners, Managers and Leaders Nicole King

Gates of Focus in a Stage 5 Business

Stage 5’s Gates of Focus are Profit, People, and Process. In Stage 5, the attention must now return to Profit to ensure that enough capital is generated to sustain a larger organization. A leader can successfully focus on Profit in two key ways: 1) ensuring business development has a synergistic strategy across marketing, sales, and customer service to generate consistent and growing revenue; and 2) tasking departments to lower costs.

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Nicole King Nicole King

Leadership Style Blend in a Stage 5 Business

The ideal leadership blend for Stage 5 is Democratic, Visionary, and Affiliative. A Stage 5 leader guides through collaboration, inspires the team with a grand vision, and builds loyalty through comradery.

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Business Owners, Managers and Leaders Nicole King Business Owners, Managers and Leaders Nicole King

Inadequate sales are a common challenge for Stage 5 businesses

A Stage 5 business has between 58-95 employees. Known as the Integration Stage, one of the top five challenges businesses of this size face is inadequate sales. A big reason why increased sales are so important at this Stage is the need to cover growing organizational expenses. The company can no longer expect to keep growing through word-of-mouth and must establish Business Development strategies and structures that are repeatable and can scale with the organization.

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