The Customer Experience Triad

The Customer Experience Triad identifies the three main areas in which customer service must do well to successfully keep the revenue coming. When adopted by the team, the Triad provides a framework for organizing customer service activities and initiatives.

This triad gives the customer service department a structure by which to consider the tasks and activities they do. Issues that arise or decisions that need to be made can be categorized into one of the three buckets, or elements, of the triad.

Purchase Management covers activities related to the fulfillment of current purchases. This includes the execution of services and the delivery of products. Customers that experience a high level of Purchase Management are likely to be satisfied with the company.

Customer Management covers activities related to exception handling. This includes returns and exchanges of products, resolving customer complaints, and setting expectations during the delivery of services. Customers that experience a high level of Customer Management are likely to be pleased with the company.

Relationship Management covers activities outside of any specific transaction. These activities are tailored to the customer and are meant to help solve their other needs. Customers that experience a high level of Relationship Management are likely to be loyal to the company.

The Triad organizes the activities and initiatives for customer service. It provides a common language for the Customer Service Team. When discussing customer service initiatives, the team can categorize them by these three areas. 

These three areas help diagnose what is and is not working. When an issue arises, customer service can determine if the root cause relates to Purchase Management, Customer Management, or Relationship Management.

Customer Service Teams that adopt the Triad are less likely to overlook any of the areas, resulting in greater effectiveness and higher customer satisfaction. Finally, the Triad highlights the need to consciously choose a strategy for the proper emphasis placed on each area of the Triad.

The concepts from this article were taken from Business Development Structure: Generating and growing consistent revenue through structure. Available through The ReWild Group and Amazon, the book explores in-depth this and other concepts while providing illustrations to help business leaders incorporate the ideas into their organizations. Get your copy today to start benefiting from Business Development Structure in your company.