Addressing the Leadership-Staff Gap
A Stage 3 business has between 20-34 employees. One of the top five challenges businesses of this size face is the existence of a gap between leadership and staff. A Stage 3 business now has too many people for the leader to directly oversee, which is why the leader needs to focus on delegation to managers. This new organizational layer can create an environment of inadequate communication with the staff.
Typical Symptoms
The typical symptoms that can be found in a company that is struggling with a leadership-staff gap include:
management and employees aren’t on the same page
employees are uncertain where the company is going
employees spend energy on unimportant tasks
Key Elements to Address the Challenge
The Organizational ReWilding framework is composed of 11 Elements. Each one is integral to the health and full functioning of a business. When a business is struggling with a leadership-staff gap, there are two elements that should be implemented to address the challenge.
Practicing consistent, two-way communication between employee and supervisor through a One-to-One Process to ensure regular communication is occurring at all levels of the company.
Developing a Strong Management Team that can understand the company’s direction and keep their staff informed.
Why this Challenge Must be Resolved
A company that allows this issue to go unresolved will soon find itself with a host of problems. Miscommunication between leadership and staff has dangerous repercussions for a business of any size. A Stage 3 company can particularly struggle with this challenge, though, because the owner is learning to delegate and let go of some of the day-to-day details he or she used to be involved with.
When employees are uncertain about the company’s future they are going to be less engaged and less motivated to stay. If their energy is being spent on unimportant tasks, they will soon burn out and feel like their efforts aren’t making a real difference. No company can thrive under those conditions, which is why it’s so critical to address this issue.
To get help with implementing the two Elements recommended in this article, contact The ReWild Group or check out our Element Guidebook Series. Not sure what Stage of Growth your business is in? Use the Stage Calculator to find out!