The Non-Negotiable Rules for Business Model & Plan

The Non-Negotiable Rules are a powerful dimension within the Stages of Growth. They define the laws that a business must follow in order to be successful. The fact is that every natural system, whether it is a forest or a commercial business, succeeds by aligning itself to fundamental natural laws that establish order and balance.

Business Model & Plan

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Business Model & Plan refers to the core structures of how you architect your business. The Rules for this business area govern critical topics like revenue groups, offerings, customer segments, and operational and strategic plans.

As an organization grows, the way in which you incorporate the rules for Business Model & Plan changes. The larger the organization, the more strategic you must be and the farther out you have to plan. You must also involve a growing number of people in the planning process.

Which is not to say that the Rules for Business Model & Plan are unimportant for smaller companies. As with the other dimensions of Non-Negotiable Rules, they must be mastered (at least 80%) before moving on to the next Stage of Growth. If they haven’t been implemented, the organization will suffer.

Business Model & Plan is not something that you take care of once and then forget and move on. One of the most important characteristics of this area of Non-Negotiable Rules is that it must be regularly evaluated and reassessed at every Stage of Growth.

Not only do you need to understand the key structures of Business Model & Plan, you also need to make sure they are in line with the reality of today. Things that were done in the early stages of a business may not necessarily serve you as well in later stages. It’s important not to take for granted that what worked before will work again. Vigilance, focus, and critical thinking all serve to ensure the Business Model & Plan area of the business grows proportionately and keeps the organization’s strategies from becoming stale.

Discover the Rules for Your Business’s Stage of Growth

How is your company doing with the Non-Negotiable Rules for Business Model & Plan? Do you know what they are for your current Stage? Are you confident that you have mastered the Rules from previous Stages? Take two minutes to complete the assessment and download a report that is tailored to your business’s Stage. Taking this small step today will serve your company for years ahead.


The Non-Negotiable Rules for Operations


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