Value Builder and Organizational ReWilding

What is the difference between The Value Builder System and Organizational ReWilding?

We’ve been asked this question a lot. You may have even wondered about the answer yourself. This blog describes both consulting methodologies, and how they can work together in a business.

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The Value Builder System

The Value Builder System is a valuation tool that identifies ways to improve business value in preparation for exit.

  • The research that grounds the Value Builder System is focused on how to successfully sell a business.

  • It is primarily focused on the exit event and planning for the exit event.

  • The initial assessment focuses the business leader on how to increase the value of the business.

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Organizational ReWilding

Organizational ReWilding is a growth methodology that helps businesses understand and master the rules of growth.

  • The research that grounds Organizational ReWilding is focused on how businesses successfully grow.

  • Programs are applicable during all Stages of a company’s growth

  • The ReWild Business Assessment focuses the business leader on what is keeping them from growing and offers specific solutions through Key Element Packages.

Organizational ReWilding and the Value Builder System

Organizational ReWilding complements the Value Builder System by providing specific solutions that help a business grow — and growing businesses increase in value. Any business that has used the Value Builder system can also find value from Organizational ReWilding. If the business owner who has used Value Builder’s program is focused on exiting the business, here are the key element packages that are best to consider:

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  • Strong Management Team — achieved through the Exceptional Manager Program — is needed to be able to carry the torch when the leader exits. A business that is less dependent on the owner and has a management team who carries significant responsibility is valued substantially higher than one with a weak management layer.

  • Business Development Structure is essential in businesses where the business owner is currently the “rainmaker” who generates the majority of revenue. This package infuses key structures into the business development function to ensure the company can continue to generate consistent and growing revenue even after the owner’s exit.

  • Organizational Structure — organizing the work independent of people — is necessary to clearly identify the positions the business leader is playing currently, and who will be taking over those positions after they leave. Providing potential buyers with a functional org chart and position role sheets will give them confidence the work is well-organized and positions are understood throughout the organization.

  • Master Processes, utilizes process mapping techniques to infuse sound processes into an organization that are trainable, scalable, and repeatable. Documenting the foundational processes in living process documents reduces variability in the delivery of services, improving quality and positioning the organization for growth. Master Processes captures the institutional knowledge in a way that can be transferred with the sale.

Business owners who are planning to exit also benefit from the ReWild Business Assessment, which delivers a unique perspective of the business for both the current owner and potentially the future owner about how growth can be achieved.


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